Curatorial team for for the Brazilian Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition is announced
16 Jan 2020
Opening on May 23, 2020, the exhibition will be curated by the collaborative studio Arquitetos Associados and visual designer Henrique Penha.

The Fundação Bienal de São Paulo has defined the curatorial team for the Brazilian Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. Opening on May 23, 2020, the exhibition will be curated by the collaborative studio Arquitetos Associados (consisting of architects and urbanists Alexandre Brasil, André Luiz Prado, Bruno Santa Cecília, Carlos Alberto Maciel and Paula Zasnicoff) and visual designer Henrique Penha.

According to José Olympio da Veiga Pereira, president of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, “to commission Brazil’s national participations at both the art and the architecture Venice Biennales is an effective way of sharing with other countries the strength of the Brazilian contemporary creative production. Last year, during the art biennale, more than 350,000 people visited the Brazilian Pavilion, a record that points to a new cycle of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo when it comes to its engagement with the international art world and strengthening of its global network, thus contributing to a global exchange of the Brazilian culture.”

The Brazilian representation will dialogue with the theme of Venice Biennale’s main exhibition: How will we live together? proposed by architect and scholar Hashim Sarkis, the chief-curator of the coming edition of the International Architecture Exhibition. Sarkis raises the challenge of reflecting on the possibility of a “new spatial contract” and imagining spaces where people can live together in the current context of political polarization and increasing economic inequality worldwide. Building on this idea, the curator  encourages architects participating in the show to present projects that engage multi-disciplinary participations, thus including artists, builders, journalists, politicians, social scientists and other professionals, as well as the general public. Ultimately, Sarkis proposes that architects reassume a role as both cordial convener and custodian of their society's spacial contract. 


About Arquitetos Associados
A collaborative studio dedicated to architecture and urbanism, headquartered in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Operating with a hybrid structure, Arquitetos Associados is characterized by a dynamic project-based modus operandi, in which their team members vary per project, thus, deliberately, diluting a conventional understanding of authorship. . Arquitetos Associados’ work with Inhotim Museum (Brumadinho, Brazil) have garnered national and international recognition, especially with the development of Claudia Andujar Gallery, the Burle Marx Education Center and Miguel Rio Branco Gallery. Their past works have won awards at the 4th Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de São Paulo (1999); at the VII BIAL – Bienal Ibero-americana de Medellín (Colombia, 2012); at the X BIAL – Bienal Ibero-americana de São Paulo (2016); and at the Prêmio APCA (Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte), as the best project built in Brazil in 2015. Exhibitions and events they have participated in the past include the Daijeon Architecture Biennial, in South Korea (2010); the 2nd Bienal Iberoamericana in Pamplona, Spain (2011); Neun Neue – Nove Novos – Emerging Architects from Brazil, in Frankfurt, Germany (2013); and the exhibition Infinito Vão — 90 Years of Brazilian Architecture, at Casa da Arquitectura in Matosinhos, Portugal (2018–19).

Alexandre Brasil is an architect and urbanist (UFMG, 1997) with an MA in metallic construction (UFOP, 2006). He is teaches constructive techniques and projects as part of the Architecture and Urbanism course at UNI-BH.

André Luiz Prado is an architect and urbanist (UFMG, 1998), with a MA in theory and practice of design (EA–UFMG, 2005) and a PhD in theory, production and experience of space (2014). He is a professor of architectural project at UFMG and in the Architecture and Urbanism course at Ibmec, where he is also a coordinator. Prado is the author of the book Ao fim da cidade (Editora UFMG, 2016).

Bruno Santa Cecília is an architect and urbanist, with an MA in theory and practice of design and a PhD in the theory, production and experience of space (EA–UFMG, 2000, 2004 and 2016). He is a professor of architectural project in the Architecture and Urbanism courses at FUMEC and at EA–UFMG. He is the author of the books Brazil: Architectural Guide (DOM Publishers, 2013) and Éolo Maia: complexidade e contradição na arquitetura brasileira (Editora UFMG, 2016).

Carlos Alberto Maciel is an architect and urbanist, with an MA in theory and practice of design and a PhD in the theory, production and experience of space (EA–UFMG, 1997, 2000 and 2015). He teaches architectural project as part of the Architecture and Urbanism course at EA–UFMG. He is the author of the books Territórios da Universidade (Editora UFMG, 2012) and of the collection Arquitetura como Infraestrutura (3 volumes, Editora Miguilim, 2019).

Paula Zasnicoff Cardoso is an architect and urbanist (FAU–USP, 2000) with an MA in theory and practice of architectural project (EA–UFMG, 2007). She taught drawing and design as part of the Architecture and Urbanism course at  Escola da Cidade, São Paulo, and currently teaches architectural project as part of the Architecture and Urbanism course at UNI-BH.


About Henrique Penha
Holds a BA in social communication (UFMG, 1995) and an MA in communication from Boston University (1998). A leader in the discipline of design in the technology industry for two decades, he was a director of design at Apple, in California, where he has joined product designer Jony Ive’s team and led the creation of multiple products. He has led several design projects at Oculus VR (Facebook), Lyft, Android (Google) and Skype, having worked in Boston, London and San Francisco. Penha is also a photographer.

Brazilian Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Commissioner: José Olympio da Veiga Pereira, president of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
Curators: Arquitetos Associados (Alexandre Brasil, André Luiz Prado, Bruno Santa Cecília, Carlos Alberto Maciel and Paula Zasnicoff) and Henrique Penha
Venue: Brazilian Pavilion (Giardini)
Address: Giardini Napoleonici di Castello, Padiglione Brasile, 30122 Venice, Italy
Dates: 23 May - 29 November 2020
Preview for press and professionals: 21 - 22 May 2020