Basic Rules for Use
The following rules are meant to ensure the correct application of all the signatures of the Fundação Bienal de São Paulo’s visual identity in materials developed inside and outside the institution: the application of colors, the typographic composition and sizes of reproduction. The design of the symbol, the composition of the signatures and the spelling of the institution’s names should never be altered for any reason.
The forms “bienal” and “bienal são paulo” should be used, depending on whether the context of the piece is national or international, respectively. The use of the sign in isolation is allowable in special situations, subject to the approval of the Fundação Bienal’s Communication – Design team.
Typographic family
The official typographic family of the visual identity is Neue Helvetica (LT Std ® Linotype). There is no other auxiliary font. Nevertheless, when a system font must be used, this should be Arial. The weight used in the signature is Helvetica Neue LT Std 65 Medium.
The official colors of the visual identity system are white, black and the various shades of gray. When used on colored backgrounds, the signatures must necessarily be white or black. The signatures in the gray-tone versions can only be used on a white background.
Minimal sizes
The minimum height of all the horizontal signatures is 5mm or 30px. The minimum width of the vertical signatures is 5.1mm or 32px. Applications where it is not possible to respect the minimum size must be evaluated by the Fundação Bienal’s Communication – Design team.
Protection space
It is necessary to have a minimum clear space around all the signatures. Above, below, to the left and right of the signature this protection space is equal to half the width of the sign (regardless of the typography).
Files for download
The visual identity signatures are available in EPS format. For other formats, contact the Communication – Design team.
Horizontal signatures
bienal_horizontal positiva
bienal_horizontal negativa
bienal são paulo_horizontal positiva
bienal são paulo_horizontal negativa
Vertical signatures
bienal_vertical positiva
bienal_vertical negativa
bienal são paulo_vertical positiva
bienal são paulo_vertical negativa